Jack Thunder and I went to Little Brothers last night for a very fun and rockin’ concert. We saw Austin, TX singer-songwriter-rock god Bob Schneider, who put on quite a show. JT went along without much knowledge of his music, but had a good time nonetheless, which is always a sign of an entertaining musician. Bob came on stage at about 10 and played about a hundred songs (I may be exaggerating slightly) until 12:30. He and his band went non-stop, with no breaks the whole time. What I liked best, and JT seemed to agree, was Bob’s transitions from one song to another. He would play a slow acoustic tune and follow it up with a mambo number, or go from a bawdy rock song about his genitals to his desire to be like Captain Kirk (which, when I think about it, isn’t that far off). I had a blast and highly recommend Bob Schneider both live and on CD. Plus he has one of the coolest websites I've seen in a while. Check it out by clicking on his name above.
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