Thursday, April 28, 2005

It's Grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!

I know that most of you out there are not Mac people, but I won't hold it against you. For those of you that are Apple-ites, or just wish you were, there is some exciting news from the land of the Macintosh. On Friday April 29th Mac will release their new Operating System (10.4) called Tiger. It is an exciting and hip new OS with all sorts of cool gadgetry. I bought their last OS about 6 months ago so can't forsee myself putting out $130.00 for this one yet, but it is quite exciting. Check out the link above for info on the new features (including a cool thing called Widgets). Available for sale by Apple on 4/29, ripped off by Microsoft by 4/30.


Blogger David said...

Oh how I wish I could convince myself to become a Macolyte again. (I have visited the Tiger demos and lust after the design and the Widget notion with a white-hot passion that makes me sweat as I think of it now . . . must . . . drink . . . water!)

But I fear that I have gone too far down the Dark Path and have committed too much of my computing self to WIntel/Gates/

It is my loss, I assure you and I fervently pray with a hacker's hope that Bill Gates will rip off Apple shamelessly very soon--sorry Steve Jobs! I promise to buy an iPod soon to make up for my apostacy!

3:40 PM  
Blogger Spec said...

I feel your pain Burb. It is hard for me to "work" eight hours a day on a Windows-driven PC. I feel somehow dirty when I get home and my Mac is sitting there untouched and lonely. But I make up for it, I think. One day you'll get that iPod, I have no fear. And on that day the clouds will part and God will reach down and put heaven in your hands.

3:45 PM  

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