Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
A Precursor to "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot II"?
According to
When Stallone originally conceived the idea around 2002, the plot involved Rambo going into Afghanistan to battle terrorists.
- Sven Golly said...
1. Because Stallone is an idiot.
2. Because people will pay to see anything.
3. Because shooting big guns at poverty-stricken infidel foreigners is cool.
4. Because reclusive veterans living a quiet lifestyle of post-traumatic stress disorder need to get out once in a while and rescue missing girls.
5. Because Dubya's approval numbers need a boost.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Kill Bill, vol.2

As I watch KBv2, I get feelings similar to that which I have about William Carlos Williams, poet who wrote "The Red Wheelbarrow."
I've always hated that poem because I felt that it was SO simple and if anyone other than a famous person wrote it, no one would give a good god damn about it. (I wrote a poem to this effect in college.)
Sometimes this is how I feel about Quentin Tarantino. If he hadn't hit it big (and in a stylish way) with "Reservoir Dogs" would we allow him to do the things that he does--the dialogue, the art-for-arts-sake camera angles, etc. I know there is such a thing as paying your dues and earning the right to make the movie you want to make, but it sure seems that famous people get away with stuff that no one else can ever get away with.
And while I'm in a critical mood . . . it has been about two years since I saw KBv1, it seems that I haven't actually waited that long to see the concluding sequel. You see, I saw the whole burying the Bride alive already, it was just presented as last year's season finale of CSI:, in which Nick Stokes (George Eads) was buried alive and the rest of the CSI: team had to find him before his air ran out. Are you surprised that this Very Special Episode was directed by none other than the auteur himself--Mr. Quentin Tarantino. (Did KBv2 not make enough money, so he had to mainstream his idea for the masses?)
Also . . . handy tip #1--if you are ever in a death fight with someone and they try that old trick of shoving your head into the toilet bowl so that you drown. Well, just keep your wits about you long enough to FLUSH the toilet, removing the water and providing the needed oxygen to keep fighting.
Handy tip #2--if the death match continues and your opponent is a) equally skilled at sword-fighting, b) only has one eye, and c) is in a close-quarters standoff with you . . . rip out her good eye (a la Dalton larynx maneuver in Roadhouse) and blind her. Easy huh?
So, okay . . . I was ready to rip Q. for KBv2, but those two elements that I mentioned above (clever) and the end scene where two female assassins are holding guns to each other while trying to decipher how to properly read a pregnancy test . . . well, you've GOT to give the man some credit for surreal creativity.
And so, I have.
- Sven Golly said...
Good question. My senior advisor tripped me up once in reading haiku by slipping a poem by a Zen master in with some by her students. I found fault with the poem by the master, thinking it was a lame attempt by some unknown American undergraduate. I guess I was supposed to have more respect. Poetry is funny that way, either you resonate with it or you don't, and on the next reading, you might or might not. I stood in front of a huge and famous painting by Jackson Pollock on Saturday, the kind of modern art about which people say "My six-year-old could do that," and it held my attention for a minute or two but no longer. Is is a Great Painting? Not my taste, whether it's by a Great Painter or not. But I sort of like the Williams poem.
- David said...
I say hijack away, but if you REALLY want discussion on this, no one will see it in the comments. Of course, no one but you, me, Lulu, and probably Sven will see it in its own post--but there it is.
But, my original point . . . go and do what you want. This post is communal and no rules. Heck, I haven't even changed the template. It's all about the WORDS, man!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
More LOST clues on the internet
Trying to escape the tedium of this afternoon's particular task, I surfed over to my nemesis' website and low and behold Mr. James Lileks has a link to something on LOST.
Naturally, I followed Mr. Lilek's instructions, visited the fictional Hanso Foundation website (introduced in the episode "Orientation"), added an "s" to the URLs http and was transported to this website (with sound!).
Faced with this oddity, I tried to translate the website's Morse Code title bar.
Discovering that the translation--if I got it right--is a Latin phrase, I went to this page to get an explanation.
So, do I know anything more now than I did ten minutes ago?
(Mr. Lileks' description of his path down this internet path is similar to the one that I took, but I got a more "satisfactory" answer than he seems to have. Follow my path before you see what he has to say.)
- lulu said...
May I be allowed one complaint? I try not to criticize others' blogs because it's not cool and you know, it's your blog, so you can write whatever you darn well want to. But I must say that all of these links are overwhelming! Of course, I didn't read this post because of its topic, but I did notice all of the blue linky things and just had to write.
I've got it coming. I know. - David said...
It's a matter of style, intent, and circumstance.
You don't often link to other stuff because your posts are about you. While many of mine are about me, many others are simply reactions to stuff I have found out there. Therefore I provide a link to it.
Also, of course, you don't have a computer with you all the time and (I don't think) are as comfortable with the creation of hyperlinks while posting. Therefore, you don't have as many.
This post was laden with links, yes, but that was because I was trying to take you down the path of discovery, page by page.
If it had been on a subject matter you enjoyed, I daresay you wouldn't have been bothered quite as much. - lulu said...
Golly--I wasn't THAT upset by it! It's just a minor pet-peeve of mine, and I see it a lot (esp. in Slate), and sometimes links don't work (or you have to sign up to read them), and other times it would be much easier if the writer just copied and pasted the applicable material into the blog posting.
The topic of this post has nothing to do with it--I just noticed lots of links. I didn't read it. I daresay that I don't enjoy links most of the time, even when the topic itself is enjoyable, and usually don't go to them.
I was just posting a little complaint/observation that others have made and not about you in particular, and suddenly find my hyperlink skills being called into question (rightly, I might add, which does not bother me a bit . . . I might add)! Am I so out of touch with the blogging universe? Does everyone but me love these bastard little links? - David said...
I was worried that this might be taken the wrong way . . . but then I didn't rewrite it.
I am not intenting to come off peevishly here. Sorry that it seemed that way.
Mondays are always treacherous! (Just eat your homemade apple pie and forget about me.) - lulu said...
It is my fault. I should not have criticized. However, one can hardly help to read your comments and not think "ah . . . peevish" when accompanied by a photo of yourself that could easily be considered a little bit, um, peevish.
- David said...
There you go again, Lulu!
I wouldn't consider that photo "peevish." Maybe "resolute" or "adamant." I might concede "irascible" if held at gunpoint.
(Man, I've gotta work on being so touchy.) - lulu said...
I don't consider it peevish, either--but to rule out its being perceived as peevish is living in a fantasy world.
Actually, it looks more like an album cover from one of those 21st c. singer-songwriters known for their "crushing honesty" and "intellectual lyrics". The kind of guys who make all the black-rimmed college girls swoon onto their Army surplus bags. - lulu said...
I meant to say "black-rimmed GLASSES".
Monday, October 17, 2005
A picture is worth a post-it note
In the process of searching for this, I found this interesting collection of Flickr photos that detail post-it notes that people have attached to the Netflix movies that they are returning to the mother ship.
I got nothing else to say . . .
- Sven Golly said...
I can feel it: the found-art net-flix post-it genre is about to have its 15 minutes in the sun. A meteoric internet phenomenon, then articles in the village voice, then an installation at MOMA. But wait...if I know about it, it's probably already over.
Monday, October 10, 2005
The Ram-baby

But this article is not about that. It's about the evolution of the pregnant woman on television. First it was Lucille Ball and now a super-spy can easily climb from a stealth bomber to a 747, both going 800 miles per hour at 30,000 feet.
That's plausible, right?
Anyway, the funny line from this article: "Jack Bristow . . . may be able to disarm a nuclear weapon, but can he assemble an Ikea crib? . . . [F]or Jack it will be 'the first time in 20 years he's used a screwdriver for its actual intended purpose.' "
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Long lost reviews
Caesars “39 minutes of bliss”
“I wanna smoke crack, cuz you’re never coming back.” Those are the lyrics that open Caesars’ miniature opus. It is a constant stream of noise, with steady drum beats and guitar riffs from start to finish. The album, even though it is just under its advertised 39 minutes, is very full. It feels like the band only had 39 minutes of tape left and had to fill every last space of it with music. I like that. The music is a little too punk for my tastes, but I like their attitude and their effort. I’m giving it a 3. An interesting note: the song “Jerk it out” from this album was featured on many of the early iPod Shuffle commercials.
Decibully “City of Festivals”
A quiet, reflective set of sad-sounding songs. With lyrics that are full of lamentation and desire, Decibully could almost be another Ben Gibbard side project. For someone who likes such things (me) this is a great album. Some might find the songs too depressing, but they work for me. The lead singer reaches a little too much for higher notes and puts on too much of a breathy air, but the music works well to overcome this flaw. I will say that this is not a great album to listen to near the end of workday when you want to just go home, it’s too slow for that time of day. Otherwise it is enjoyable. I’ll give it a 3.5.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Finding Neverland

It's been an imaginative day. While I was getting Ariel to bed tonight, she asked me to tell her a story. Usually, she wants to be the one telling the stories . . . and sometimes how they do run on. But tonight it was my turn.
So, spur of the moment, I decided to try and tell her some of "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" one of the Chronicles of Narnia. I got through the main substance of what I remember from the first chapter or so--where Edmund (whom I called Eddie) and Lucy discover the painting of the Dawn Treader and are magically transported onto the deck of the ship and begin their journey.
If we pursue the story further, I'll probably have to make up the majority of what remains--or maybe I'll read it at night and tell it to her the next day? I don't think that she is quite ready to sit still very long for C.S. Lewis' prose just yet. I tried to do that with "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" last year and I think she needs a bit more time.
Anyway, after she went down to bed I decided to watch Finding Neverland. It was very good and while it was sad at the end, it was a satisfying kind of sad. I was especially glad that I had the pleasure of watching an actual play performance of "Peter Pan" with Ariel. I think it made me appreciate the movie's depiction of the play a bit more. Previously, I had only seen the Disney animated version, and I think that you really miss something if that is all that you know. Plus, I can relate to the idea that Barrie had to bring children into the theater on opening night to win over the adults watching the play.
Watching Ariel talk to me tonight after I finished telling her my story, I wonder if she will have a rich fantasy life and love the same kinds of things that I do. Will she be very serious and practical? Will she have as strong imagination in ten years that she seems to have now? I hope so . . . having seen what she is capable of, I would hate to see it disappear at some point. I think that would make me very sad.
But, what else can I say about the movie? Depp gives a very strong performance and while I kid about him a lot, I really respect his movies. Freddie Highmore and all of the children performed well. I liked the touch of adding Dustin Hoffman into the mix of this movie, even if it did remind one of the sadness that was Hook.
I wonder if I will always associate Peter Pan with Ariel.
- Sven Golly said...
Direct (if patronizing) response: Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, the future's not ours to see, que sera, sera...
Self-referential (but heartfelt) response: I remember seeing "Back to the Future" with Jess Golly when he was around five or six years old. He got it. The whole imaginative world within a world within a world, time travel and all. It was big fun then, and it's still one of our favorite things to do, talking about movies, books, art.
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