Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Omnimedia resurrected? Nope, just being utilized

I'm gonna start linking appropriate stuff through Omnimedia again.

It may never take off and the rest of the team members might not utilize it, but I created it and I can still make use of it. (At least that is my story for now.)

You can watch the "Lazy Sunday/Chronic of Narnia" video using this embedded video player that I really hope will work:

There is also another good reason to check Omnimedia now and again, and it's just below this post. I put a link to another video here last weekend and while you might not want to watch the video itself, you should definitely read the post's comments. Shirtless Wonder's list regarding the Wonder of Chuck Norris is hilarious and worth the time spent.

NOTE: You can always tell when someone has updated Omnimedia by checking my Interesting Sites to Visit list in the WWYG?! sidebar. A bright yellow NEW sunburst indicates the arrival of new content.


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